
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Modern Day Revolution

We soon realize the Lebanese legislative process to any bill is inefficient. It takes two years for the politicians to criticize the creator of the bill. Another two years fighting how to enforce the bill and who should enforce the bill. Then spend two more years to actually implement the bill. Though Lebanese citizen know this situation, has no  choice but look and wait. Some Lebanese protest in the streets but if they are not backed by a political party it is considered barbaric and those protest with political backing are considered by other as “sheep”. So to protest in the streets like in the Arab spring is useless.

It is time to revolutionize the way we revolutionize or conduct a Modern day revolution. People would say that the Egyptian revolution (or the entire Arab spring) was a modern revolution because it used social media to organize and inspire people to protest. As mentioned earlier, protesting in the streets in Lebanon is highly unpopular and useless when it come to Lebanon’s electrical crises. The solution is the people to come together via social media to form a plan to present to the government. Many would be pessimistic that the government would not even see the plan. The truth is that the government is divided and political parties would fight each other to support the plan because the plan was formed by the people that put them in power.