
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Eureka Moment

I was committing on a blog giving it's opinion about the string of kidnapping happening in Lebanon. He says "Just one word on the government, coma?” It then hits me that there is no government and I do not mean that the government exists but it is not working. What I mean is that there is no actual government; there is only an illusion of a government. So the quote asking if the government is in a coma is like asking if the manikin laying on the bed is in a coma. So I replied:

"'Just one word on the government, coma?' I have been reading your blog posts for some time and you do bring very good points. However, this sentence that I quoted in the beginning has made me realize a flaw in the electoral system or voting system which the entire Lebanese society is blinded too. I do not mean to attack you or argue with you but I would like to add a 'thought' that might lead your Lebanese readers to reach a 'eureka moment'.
I am not talking about proportional voting; I am talking about who the people are allowed to elect for different governmental offices. In Lebanon we only elect members of the House. Then the House elects the members of the Senate, and then the Senate elects the President as well as the Prime Minister. As an outsider this seems to me a government that elects itself, and those house members and Senate members seem easily persuaded by foreign delegates. In other words, change who the people can elect into office because the politicians that are in office are not elected by the people they are elected by foreign powers which make sense why foreign governments have a huge influence over Lebanon.
And yes, if one party wins by majority the other party will dispute the results and protest either by burning tires, closing roads, kidnaping, booming warehouse….. Just pick any one of them. But then again if the majority of the country picks one party then I think the army would have the spine to stop any illegal protest since it knows it will be supported by the party that the majority of Lebanese elected.
Case in point:
Divide the country into proportional districts according to sects and let the
People elect House members
People elect Senate members
People elect President and Prime Minister"

My Eureka Moment is when I realized to change or to set this country on the course of greatness is to deal first source of the problem that is there is no actual government

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